Children Bringing Change – Workshop for Iraq Schools
Earlier in the year I was approached by Children Bringing Change and asked if I would contribute to the training week they were putting together for a group of Teachers from two secondary and two primary schools in Iraq. This was shortly after I’d had a word with myself about putting myself out there more, stepping out of my comfort zone and saying yes….so I did just that.
I put together a workshop focussing on emotional wellbeing which included material and resources I use when working with Schools in the North East.
July 2022 and the training week began. I arrived feeling nervous but excited and had already heard how useful and informative sessions earlier in the week had been. After the usual technology difficulties I was ready to go. In order for the information to be relevant and applicable to their schools I outlined from the start that I wanted the workshop to be interactive and for questions to be asked throughout. With the support and patience of a lovely translator facilitating the conversation, a one hour workshop turned into two hours which could have continued. Questions were asked throughout about specific situations and difficulties they have with their students and I was able to share not only strategies but insight into what the behaviour is communicating.
During the workshop, whilst my information was being translated and seeing the visible lightbulb moments in the room, the realisation of how important this work is really hit me. I feel extremely privileged to be a part of such important work and to contribute to the amazing work that Children Bringing Change are striving to achieve in Iraq.
I’m sure this won’t be the last time I get to see them all!